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... 0080437516 Raloff J ( 2006 ) Dirty little secret – asbestos laces many residential soils . Sci News 170 : 26 , http://sciencenews.org/ articles / 20060708 / bob9.asp Reeder RJ , Schoonen MAA , Lanzirotti A ( 2006 ) Metal speciation and ...
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... 0080437516 . Domenico PA and Schwartz FW ( 1998 ) Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology . New York : Wiley . Fetter CW ( 1994 ) Applied Hydrogeology . Upper Saddle River , NJ : Prentice - Hall . Jones JB and Mulholland PJ ( eds . ) ( 2000 ) ...
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... 0080437516 . Domenico PA and Schwartz FW ( 1998 ) Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology . New York : Wiley . Fetter CW ( 1994 ) Applied Hydrogeology . Upper Saddle River , NJ : Prentice - Hall . Jones JB and Mulholland PJ ( eds . ) ( 2000 ) ...
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... 0080437516 , $ 4,595.00 Encompassing 10 volumes , 32 centimeters of shelf space , and 5,596 pages , this massive reference set provides a comprehensive overview of the science of geochemistry . Individual volumes are edited by respected ...
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... 0080437516 . www.treatiseongeochemistry.com [ DESCRIPTION ] Coverage of the full range of disciplines and topics in the field of geochemistry . Contents : v . 1 Meteorites , comets and planets , v . 2 The mantle and core , v . 3 The ...
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Examining natural and anthropogenic processes, The SAGE Handbook of Geomorphology is a comprehensive exposition of the fundamentals of geomorphology that examines form, process, and applications of the discipline.
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The first such reference work in thirty-five years, this is a comprehensive guide to both specific landforms and the major types of processes that create them.
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This unique richly-illustrated account of the landforms and geology of the world’s coasts, presented in a country-by-country (state-by-state) sequence, assembles a vast amount of data and images of an endangered and increasingly populated ...
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Volume 64 of Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry presents examples that include the effects of inhaled dust particles in the lung, the formation of kidney-stones, the calcification of arteries, the speciation exposure pathways and ...