9789866121999 from books.google.com
For the major theories presented in the text, basic information about background, personality theory, and theory of psychotherapy provides a means for understanding the application of psychotherapy theory.
9789866121999 from books.google.com
My Depression is an engaging and heartening memoir of an illness that has been stigmatized for too long and on how it is possible to survive, one little challenge at a time, with medication and the occasional tasty, messy slice of pizza; ...
9789866121999 from books.google.com
This edition features new sections on combining individual and group therapy, the latest information about brief group therapy, and how to modify group work to deal with the newly emerging homogeneous focal groups (including survivor ...
9789866121999 from books.google.com
《反脆弱心理学》从心理学出发,一针见血地指出“玻璃心”的脆弱根源,重点提出了克服脆弱的方法:克服完美主义、化解焦虑、掌控恐惧、调节羞耻、降低敏感度、提高抗压能力 ...
9789866121999 from books.google.com
《原生家庭心理学》从心理学的角度,探讨原生家庭对子女造成的影响,以及子女在成长过程中可能遇到的种种心理问题。从养育环境、恶毒语言、施暴行为、过度控制等角度剖析原 ...
9789866121999 from books.google.com
This edition is in two volumes. The second volume ISBN is 9781459660328.
9789866121999 from books.google.com
Written by Alex Rovira and Fernando Trias de Bes-two leading marketing consultants-this simple tale is universally applicable and uniquely inspirational.