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mathematical modeling and signal pro...
mathematical modeling and signal processing in speech and hearing sciences
mimetic finite difference method for...
mimetic finite difference method for elliptic problems
modeling of physiological flows
modeling of physiological flows
numerical models for differential pr...
numerical models for differential problems
modeling the heart and the circulato...
modeling the heart and the circulatory system
eddy current approximation of maxwel...
eddy current approximation of maxwell equations
mathematical cardiac electrophysiology
mathematical cardiac electrophysiology
model reduction of parametrized systems
model reduction of parametrized systems
mathematical models for suspension b...
mathematical models for suspension bridges
numerical models for differential pr...
numerical models for differential problems
multiscale modeling of pedestrian dy...
multiscale modeling of pedestrian dynamics
introduction to modeling biological ...
introduction to modeling biological cellular control systems
numerical analysis of compressible f...
numerical analysis of compressible fluid flows