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Schimmel, Annemarie.

Works: 1 works in 2 publications in 1 languages
The triumphal sun = a study of the works of Jalaloddin Rumi / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Schimmel, Annemarie. (Electronic resources)
Islam = an introduction / by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Schimmel, Annemarie. (Electronic resources)
Make a shield from wisdom = selected verses from N屧瓋ir-i Khusraw's D嶠v屧n / by: Schimmel, Annemarie.; Institute of Ismaili Studies.; NetLibrary, Inc.; N屧瓋ir-i Khusraw, (1004-ca. 1088.) (Language materials, printed)
Islam in the Indian subcontinent by: NetLibrary, Inc.; Schimmel, Annemarie. (Language materials, printed)
The empire of the great Mughals : = history, art and culture / by: Waghmar, Burzine K.; Schimmel, Annemarie.; Mogul Empire; Mogul Empire. (Language materials, printed)
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