Miller, Arthur, (1915-2005.)
作品: | 1 作品在 1 項出版品 1 種語言 |
Echoes down the corridor : = collected essays, 1944-2000 /
Centola, Steve, (1952-); Miller, Arthur, (1915-2005.)
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 8
Galens, David,; Gale Group.
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 3
Galens, David,; Gale Group.
Drama for students. = presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied dramas /. Volume 1
Galens, David,; Spampinato, Lynn,; Gale Group.
A view from the bridge : = a play in two acts with a new introduction /
Miller, Arthur, (1915-2005.)
Famous American plays of the 1940s /
Wilder, Thornton, (1897-1975.); Miller, Arthur, (1915-2005.); Hewes, Henry.; Laurents, Arthur.; Anderson, Maxwell, (1888-1959.); McCullers, Carson, (1917-1967.)
All my sons : = a drama in three acts /
Bigsby, C. W. E.; Miller, Arthur, (1915-2005.)
The crucible : = a play in four acts /
Miller, Arthur, (1915-2005.); Salem (Mass.)
Arthur Miller for the twenty-first century = contemporary views of his writings and ideas /
SpringerLink (Online service); Marino, Stephen.; Palmer, David.
Death of a salesman
Hoffman, Dustin, (1937-); Miller, Arthur, (1915-2005.); Malkovich, John.; Schlondorff, Volker.; Reid, Kate.
Alienation (Social psychology)
Aircraft industry- Military aspects
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)- Public opinion
Jewish men- New York (State)
Euripides.- Medea.
Goldsmith, Oliver,- She stoops to conquer.
Rostand, Edmond,- Cyrano de Bergerac.
Williams, Tennessee,- Glass menagerie.
Albee, Edward,- Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf.
Wilson, August.- Fences.
Rabe, David.- Streamers.
Feature films.
Television adaptations.
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich,- Cherry orchard.
Hart, Moss,- You can't take it with you.
Kaufman, George S.- You can't take it with you.
Inge, William.- Come back, little Sheba.
Orton, Joe.- Entertaining Mr. Sloane.
Guare, John.- House of blue leaves.
Success in business
Bigamy- Drama.
Men- Psychology
Aircraft industry- Corrupt practices
Historical drama.
Sophocles.- Oedipus Rex.
Rodgers, Richard,- King and I.
Shaw, Bernard,- Pygmalion.
Baraka, Imamu Amiri,- Dutchman.
Miller, Arthur,- Crucible.
Shaw, Bernard,- Major Barbara.
Shepard, Sam,- True west.
Inge, William.- Bus stop.
Jarry, Alfred,- Ubu roi.
Wilde, Oscar,- Salom?
American drama- 20th century.
Miller, Arthur,
Salem (Mass.)- History- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775
Hellman, Lillian,- Little foxes.
Ibsen, Henrik,- Doll's house.
Miller, Arthur,- Death of a salesman.
American drama.
Pinter, Harold,- Homecoming.
Williams, Tennessee,- Cat on a hot tin roof.
Childress, Alice.- Trouble in mind.
Miller, Arthur,- All my sons.
Twentieth-Century Literature.
Married people
Wilder, Thornton,- Our town.
Drama- Study and teaching (Secondary)- United States.
Odets, Clifford,- Waiting for lefty.
Pollock, Sharon.- Blood relations.
Albee, Edward,- Three tall women.
Bond, Edward.- Saved.
Glaspell, Susan,- Trifles.
Traffic accident victims- Family relationships
Made-for-TV movies.
Marlowe, Christopher,- Doctor Faustus.
Drama- Study and teaching (Higher)- United States.
Mamet, David.- American buffalo.
Rabe, David.- Basic training of Pavlo Hummel.
Fuller, Charles.- Soldier's play.
Rattigan, Terence.- Browning version.
Stoppard, Tom.- Real thing.
Fathers and sons
World War, 1939-1945- United States
Coward, Noel,- Private lives.
Fugard, Athol.- "Master Harold"...and the boys.
Weiss, Peter,- Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats.
Ibsen, Henrik,- Peer Gynt.
Contemporary Theatre.
Failure (Psychology)
Marriage- New York (State)
Sophocles.- Antigone.
Hammerstein, Oscar,- King and I.
Williams, Tennessee,- Streetcar named Desire.
Drama- History and criticism.
Dramatic criticism.
Bond, Edward.- Lear.
Hellman, Lillian,- Children's hour.
Sophocles.- Ajax.
Trials (Witchcraft)