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作品: 2 作品在 20 項出版品 1 種語言
Revising the integration-citizenship nexus in Europe = sites, policies, and bureaucracies of belonging / by: Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Barbulescu, Roxana.; Goodman, Sara Wallace.; Pedroza, Luicy. (書目-電子資源)
Migration and media in Finland = perceptions and depictions of natives, immigrants and refugees / by: Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Finland; Croucher, Stephen M. (書目-電子資源)
Digesting difference = migrant incorporation and mutual belonging in Europe / by: Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); McKowen, Kelly.; Borneman, John. (書目-電子資源)
Ethnicisation and domesticisation = the impact of care, gender and migration regimes on paid domestic work in Europe / by: Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Giordano, Chiara. (書目-電子資源)
Constructing Roma migrants = European narratives and local governance / by: Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Magazzini, Tina.; Piemontese, Stefano. (書目-電子資源)
Displacement governance and the illusion of integration = from population movement to movement of the people / by: Europe; Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Europe; Shearer Demir, Hakan. (書目-電子資源)
The new diversity of family life in Europe = mobile ethnic groups and flexible boundaries / by: Europe; Citlak, Banu.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Irregular Afghan migration to Europe = at the margins, looking in / by: Europe; SpringerLink (Online service); Dimitriadi, Angeliki.; Afghanistan (書目-電子資源)
Population movements in modern European history. by: Europe; Europe; Möller, Herbert, (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Migrants' (im)mobilities in three European urban contexts = global pandemic and beyond / by: Europe; Caselli, Marco.; SpringerLink (Online service); Durrschmidt, Jorg.; Eade, John. (書目-電子資源)
Immigrants. Peace Studies. Research Methodology. Area Studies. Ethnography. Africans- Ethnic identity.- Europe Statistics for Social Science, Behavorial Science, Education, Public Policy, and Law. Refugees- Government policy- Europe. International Security Studies. Romanies- Migrations.- Europe Mass media and immigrants- Finland. Media and Communication. Cultural Anthropology. Cultural History. Europe- Population. Women immigrants- Europe. Emigration and immigration- Social aspects. Europe- Emigration and immigration. Latin American Politics. Lampedusa (Italy)- Emigration and immigration. Human Geography. Political Science and International Relations. Social scientists- United States. Cultural pluralism- Europe. Political Theory. Criminal law- Europe. International Political Economy. Chinese- Europe. Europe- Ethnic relations. Immigrants- Russia (Federation) Social welfare. Conflict Studies. Social Justice, Equality and Human Rights. Afghanistan- Emigration and immigration. Refugees- Europe. Demography. Africa- Emigration and immigration. Comparative Politics. Social Anthropology. World History, Global and Transnational History. Emigration and immigration law- Criminal provisions.- Europe Migration Policy. Naturalization- Europe. Emigration and immigration- Government policy. Racism- Europe. Immigrants- United States. Europe- Emigration and immigration Terrorism- Prevention.- Europe Cultural Studies. Europe- Politics and government. Refugees- Press coverage- Finland. Discrimination- Europe. Sociology of Migration. Social Structure. Globalization. China- Emigration and immigration. European Politics. Colombia- Emigration and immigration. Borderlands- Europe. Governance and Government. Political History. Political Science. Global/International Culture. Finland- Social life and customs. European History. African History. Social Sciences, general. Immigrants- Cultural assimilation- Europe. Immigrants- Employment- Europe. United States- Emigration and immigration. Welfare state- Europe. Social Sciences. Migration. Families- Europe. Transnationalism. Refugees- United States. Terrorism and Political Violence. Population Economics. Democracy- Europe. Public Policy. Human Migration. Migration, Internal- China. Russia (Federation)- Emigration and immigration. Citizenship- Europe. Gender Studies. Family. Afghans- Europe. Political Sociology. Europe- Boundaries. Sociology of Education. Sociology of Work. Latin America- Emigration and immigration. Terrorism. Political Communication. Mediterranean Region- Emigration and immigration. Immigrants- Social conditions.- Europe Emigration and immigration law- Europe. Criminology. Household employees- Europe. Immigrants- Europe. Emigration and immigration. Africans- Social conditions.- Europe International Relations Theory. Brain drain- Europe. Brain drain- Latin America. Diaspora. Terrorists- Europe. Belonging (Social psychology)- Europe.