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Cooper, Chris

Works: 1 works in 4 publications in 4 languages
Tourism : = principles and practice / by: Cooper, Chris; Fletcher, John; Gilbert, David; Wanhill, Stephen (Language materials, printed)
布偶歷險記 = The Muppets / by: 波賓 ((Bobin, James)); 史托勒 ((Stoller, Nicholas)); 侯博曼 ((Hoberman, Chuck)); 李伯曼 ((Lieberman, Todd)); 席格 ((Segel, Jason)); 亞當斯 ((Adams, Amy)); Hoberman, Chuck; 庫柏 ((Cooper, Chris)); Bobin, James; Stoller, Nicholas; Segel, Jason; Adams, Amy; Cooper, Chris (Projected and video material)
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