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Bouchard, Claude.

Works: 1 works in 0 publications in 0 languages
Growth, maturation, and physical activity / by: Bar-Or, Oded.; Bouchard, Claude.; Malina, Robert M. (Language materials, printed)
Physical activity and obesity / by: Katzmarzyk, Peter T., (1968-); Bouchard, Claude. (Language materials, printed)
Physical activity, fitness, and health = international proceedings and cons by: Bouchard, Claude.; Shephard, Roy J. (Language materials, printed)
Handbook of obesity = clinical applications / by: Bouchard, Claude.; Bray, George A. (Electronic resources)
Growth, maturation, and physical activity by: Bouchard, Claude.; Malina, Robert M. (Language materials, printed)
Physical activity and obesity / by: Bouchard, Claude. (Language materials, printed)
Exercise, fitness, and health = a consensus of current knowledge by: Bouchard, Claude. (Language materials, printed)
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