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Bourdieu, Pierre.

作品: 6 作品在 18 項出版品 2 種語言
On television and journalism / by: Bourdieu, Pierre. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Bourdieu : = critical perspectives / by: Bourdieu, Pierre.; Calhoun, Craig J., (1952-); LiPuma, Edward, (1951-); Postone, Moishe. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
In other words : = essays towards a reflexive sociology / by: Bourdieu, Pierre.; Adamson, Matthew. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Bourdieu : = a critical reader / by: Shusterman, Richard. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Outline of a theory of practice / by: Bourdieu, Pierre. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Science of science and reflexivity / by: Nice, Richard.; Bourdieu, Pierre. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Bourdieu : = critical perspectives / by: Bourdieu, Pierre.; Calhoun, Craig J., (1952-); LiPuma, Edward, (1951-); Postone, Moishe. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Language and symbolic power / by: Bourdieu, Pierre.; Thompson, John B. (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Reading Bourdieu on society and culture / by: Fowler, Bridget, (1943-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
Theories of literature in the twentieth century : = structuralism, Marxism, aesthetics of reception, semiotics / by: Ibsch, Elrud.; Fokkema, Douwe Wessel, (1931-) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
International economic relations. Art appreciation- Europe. Bourdieu, Pierre. Sociology- Methodology. Social scientists- Biography.- France College teaching. Educational anthropology. Teacher-student relationships. Ethnology. Journalism- Social aspects. Television broadcasting of news. Sociology- History.- France Sociology- Methodology Europe- Economic conditions- 1945- Bourdieu, Pierre- Political and social views. Photography Philosophy. Economics- Sociological aspects. - Lee, Teng-hui Addresses and me Education, Higher- France. Government executives- France. College teachers- France. Kabyles. Culture. Literature. Political sociology. Sociale wetenschappen. Sociolog毃a- Metodolog毃a. Sociolog毃a- Historia.- Francia Art museum attendance- Europe. Anthropologists- France Arts- Economic aspects- France. World politics- 1989- Feminist theory. Boudieu, Pierre. Sociology- Philosophy. Arts, Modern- 20th century. Power (Social sciences) Social movements. State, The. Social sciences. France- Civilization- 1945- Elite (Social sciences)- France. France- Officials and employees. Language and education. Free enterprise- Social aspects. Public welfare. France- Politics and government- 1981-1995. Bourdieu, Pierre- Views on the arts. Haacke, Hans,- Views on the arts. Educational sociology. Arts and society- France. Arts audiences- France. Language and languages. Linguistics. Bourdieu, Pierre- Biography Sociologists- Biography- France Literature- Philosophy. Television- Social aspects. Dominance (Psychology) Sociology- France. Social classes- France. College students- Social conditions. Culture- Philosophy. Social movements- Europe. Political science. Bourdieu, Pierre Action theory. Sexism. Sociologists- Biography.- France Anthropology. Aesthetics, French. Literature and society. Politics and literature. Communication in education. Learning and scholarship- France. Internationalism. Sociology Social action- Europe. Democracy. Sociology. Social action. Arts and society- History- 20th century. Sex role. Men- Psychology. Art and society- Europe. Art museum visitors- Europe. Science- Social aspects. Ethnophilosophy. France- Politics and government- 1995- Europe- Economic policy