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Mori, Paolo.

作品: 1 作品在 7 項出版品 1 種語言
Emerging technologies for authorization and authentication = 5th International Workshop, ETAA 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 30, 2022 : revised selected papers / by: Mori, Paolo.; SpringerLink (Online service); Saracino, Andrea.; ETAA (Workshop) (2022 :) (書目-電子資源)
Information systems security and privacy = 5th International Conference, ICISSP 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, February 23-25, 2019 : revised selected papers / by: Mori, Paolo.; Furnell, Steven.; Camp, Olivier.; SpringerLink (Online service); ICISSP (Conference) (2019 :) (書目-電子資源)
Emerging technologies for authorization and authentication = third International Workshop, ETAA 2020, Guildford, UK, September 18, 2020 : proceedings / by: Mori, Paolo.; SpringerLink (Online service); Saracino, Andrea.; ETAA (Workshop) (2020 :) (書目-電子資源)
Information systems security and privacy = 7th International Conference, ICISSP 2021, virtual event, February 11-13, 2021, and 8th International Conference, ICISSP 2022, virtual event, February 9-11, 2022 : revised selected papers / by: Mori, Paolo.; Furnell, Steven.; SpringerLink (Online service); ICISSP (Conference) (2021 :); ICISSP (Conference) (2022 :); Lenzini, Gabriele. (書目-電子資源)
Information systems security and privacy = second International Conference, ICISSP 2016, Rome, Italy, February 19-21, 2016 : revised selected papers / by: ICISSP (Conference) (2016 :); Camp, Olivier.; Furnell, Steven.; Mori, Paolo.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Emerging technologies for authorization and authentication = second International Workshop, ETAA 2019, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 27, 2019 : proceedings / by: Mori, Paolo.; SpringerLink (Online service); ETAA (Workshop) (2019 :); Saracino, Andrea. (書目-電子資源)
Emerging technologies for authorization and authentication = 4th International Workshop, ETAA 2021, Darmstadt, Germany, October 8, 2021 : revised selected papers / by: Mori, Paolo.; SpringerLink (Online service); Saracino, Andrea.; ETAA (Workshop) (2021 :) (書目-電子資源)