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Walker, Paul.

Works: 2 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
Life and death decisions in the clinical setting = moral decision making through dialogic consensus / by: Walker, Paul.; SpringerLink (Online service); Lovat, Terence. (Electronic resources)
玩命車手 = Vehicle19 / by: Walker, Paul.; 沃克 ((Walker, Paul)); 德威 ((Dewil, Mukunda Michael)); Dewil, Mukunda Michael. (Projected and video material)
玩命關頭 = Fast & furious / . 6. ; 6 by: 林詣彬; 巨石強森 ((Johnson, Dwayne)); Johnson, Dwayne.; Diesel, Vin.; Walker, Paul.; 迪索 ((Diesel, Vin)); 沃克 ((Walker, Paul)) (Projected and video material)
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