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作品: 2 作品在 17 項出版品 1 種語言
市場風險與選擇權定價 = = Market risk and option pricing / by: 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray; 蘇品嘉 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
新聞、眼動追蹤與定錨效應 = = News, Eye-Tracking, and Anchoring Effect. / by: 廖于姍; 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
景氣循環下投資人的最適資產分配 = = Optimal asset allocations under business cycles / by: 吳昌叡; 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
股東權益報酬率的公平水準 = = Fair levels of returns on equity / by: 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray; 戴學宏 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
基金經理人能力與採購經理指數 = = Fund managers' ability and purchasing managers' index / by: 呂進瑞; Lu, Jin-Ray; 陳庭羽 (書目-語言資料,印刷品)
投資組合 association rule analysis Market Risk 固定資產 理論價值 流量風險 景氣循環 勞動投入 Total factor productivity Capital input Demographics risk characteristics 股票交易資料 Black-Scholes model 市場風險 firm value model current asset 市場風險度量 投資意願 理財規劃 Investment Intention 台灣股市 指數型經理股票選擇權評價 indexed executive stock options 採購經理指數 cross-sectional expected return 公司財務決策 複合選擇權 debt ratio default risk probability of default dynamic programming theory 廣義雙曲線分佈 期望損失 Reward Configuration long call condor strategy 激勵效果 基金經理人操作能力 Black-Scholes Model 流動資產 違約風險 returns on equity theoretical value 資產配置 asset allocation Hyperbolic Distribution 實體資本投入 Business cycle 人口統計 Taiwan stock market returns incentive effect incentive persistence 關聯規則分析 stock trading data investment portfolio demand-supply model corporate financial policy 夏普比率 capital budgeting 負債比率 隨機動態規劃 Binary Regression Method 投資者情緒 baseball tournament weekend effect portfolio 決策樹分析 decision tree analysis stochastic calculus 特定風險 Idiosyncratic Risk 廠商價值模型 Sharpe ratio option pricing flow risk Generalized Hyperbolic Distribution 橫斷面預期報酬 Purchasing Managers' Index 供需模型 隨機微積分 資本預算 fixed asset 權益報酬率 選擇權評價 雙曲線分佈 報酬配置 全要素生產率 Asset Allocation Stochastic dynamic programming 二元羅吉斯迴歸 Financial Planning 棒球賽事 星期效應 skilled fund managers Black-Scholes模型 compound options 違約機率 公司財務政策 常態逆高斯分佈 Normal Inverse Gaussian Distribution Value-at-Risk Expected Shortfall 隨機動態規劃法 Labor input option valuation investor sentiment 激勵持續性