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Clark, Robert M.

Works: 0 works in 6 publications in 2 languages
情報分析 : = 以目標為中心的方法 / by: 克拉克 ((Clark, Robert M.)); 馬忠元; Clark, Robert M. (Language materials, printed)
情報搜集技術 / by: 克拉克 ((Clark, Robert M.)); Clark, Robert M.; 陳燁; 步凡 (Language materials, printed)
The five disciplines of intelligence collection / by: Clark, Robert M. (Language materials, printed)
Handbook on public private partnerships in transportation.. Vol I,. Airports, water ports, rail, buses, taxis, finance by: Hakim, Simon.; Clark, Robert M.; Blackstone, Erwin A.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Intelligence analysis : = a target-centric approach / by: Clark, Robert M. (Language materials, printed)
Intelligence collection / by: Clark, Robert M. (Language materials, printed)
Public private partnerships = construction, protection, and rehabilitation of critical infrastructure / by: Clark, Robert M.; Hakim, Simon.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Cyber-physical security = protecting critical infrastructure at the state and local level / by: Clark, Robert M.; Hakim, Simon.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Securing water and wastewater systems = global experiences / by: Clark, Robert M.; Hakim, Simon.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
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