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Lovat, Terence.

作品: 0 作品在 4 項出版品 1 種語言
Life and death decisions in the clinical setting = moral decision making through dialogic consensus / by: Walker, Paul.; Lovat, Terence.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Second international research handbook on values education and student wellbeing by: Lovat, Terence.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-電子資源)
Reconciling Islam, Christianity and Judaism = Islam's special role in restoring convivencia / by: Lovat, Terence.; SpringerLink (Online service); Crotty, Robert. (書目-電子資源)
The history of Islam = revelation, reconstruction or both? / by: Lovat, Terence.; SpringerLink (Online service); Moghadam, Amir. (書目-電子資源)
International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing by: Clement, Neville.; Lovat, Terence.; Toomey, Ron.; SpringerLink (Online service) (書目-語言資料,印刷品)