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Kumar, Manish.

Works: 0 works in 9 publications in 1 languages
Geographic information systems in urban planning and management by: Kumar, Manish.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Institutional and regulatory economics of Public Private Partnerships in infrastructure: Evidences from stochastic cost frontier analysis and three case studies of urban water utilities. by: The George Washington University., Public Policy and Public Administration.; Kumar, Manish. (Language materials, printed)
Pharmacotherapeutic botanicals for cancer chemoprevention by: Kumar, Manish.; SpringerLink (Online service); Sharma, Ashita.; Kumar, Praveen. (Electronic resources)
Emerging issues in the water environment during Anthropocene = a South East Asian perspective / by: Kumar, Manish.; Snow, Daniel D.; Honda, Ryo.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Resilience, response, and risk in water systems = shifting management and natural forcings paradigms / by: Kumar, Manish.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Wastewater surveillance for Covid-19 management by: Kumar, Manish.; SpringerLink (Online service) (Electronic resources)
Geoecology of landscape dynamics by: Kumar, Manish.; SpringerLink (Online service); Singh, R. B.; Sahdev, Seema. (Electronic resources)
Remote sensing and geographic information systems for policy decision support by: Kumar, Manish.; SpringerLink (Online service); Singh, R. B.; Tripathi, Dinesh Kumar. (Electronic resources)
Tele-healthcare = applications of artificial intelligence and soft computing techniques / by: Kumar, Manish.; Nidhya, R.; Balamurugan, S. (Electronic resources)
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