9787532547869 from books.google.com
... 9787532547869 (中文(简体)).瞿同祖《中國法律與中國社會》. .北京:中华书局. 1981 (中文(繁体)).五来欣造.《儒教政治哲學》.胡朴安等译.上海:商务印书馆. 1934 (中文(繁体)).渡边义浩.〈日本有關「儒教國教化」的研究回顧〉.松金佑子译.中国儒教网. 2007 ...
9787532547869 from books.google.com
Presents selections from the Tso-chuan, China's oldest work of narrative history. Its entries provide a year by year account of happenings in the feudal state that made up China from 722 to 468 BC.
9787532547869 from books.google.com
This is the first complete, one-volume English translation of the ancient Chinese text Xunzi, one of the most extensive, sophisticated, and elegant works in the tradition of Confucian thought.
9787532547869 from books.google.com
本书从"性恶"出发, 厘清"人之性恶"的主张不但和道德自主无碍, 更恰恰是道德自主之所以能够展开的自然基础.