This book explores the causes and trends of population ageing in eight countries, and discusses the challenges and impacts of population ageing on public policies.
In an absorbing study of Yen Fu's translations, essays, and commentaries, Benjamin Schwartz examines the modifications and consequent revaluation of these familiar works as they were presented to their new audience, and analyzes the impact ...
And in an age of global dominance, what impact has the American legal system had abroad? This engrossing book chronicles a century of revolutionary change within a legal system that has come to affect us all.
" "This revised edition incorporates the latest developments in the field, including the rise of behavioral finance, the failure of carbon trading, and the growing trend of government bailouts.
Support Instructors– A full set of supplements, including MyCommunicationLab, provides instructors with all the resources and support they need. NOTE: MyCommunicationLab does not come automatically packaged with this text.
The world has changed significantly since the publication of the first edition in 2000 and this book is situated firmly within the context of present-day debates, concerns and crises.
"This book illustrates how businesses can use mobility, big data, and analytics to enhance or change business processes, improve margins through better insight, transform customer experiences, and empower employees with real-time, ...
This edition includes a new chapter in which Stent provides her insights about dramatic recent developments in U.S.-Russian relations, particularly the annexation of Crimea, war in Ukraine, and the end of the Obama Reset.