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Ten high-quality survey articles provide an overview of important recent developments in the mathematics surrounding negative curvature.
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This is the first book to give a complete treatment of the theory, from full discussion of all the basics to descriptions of the very latest developments.
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The author proves that the category of modules of finite presentation on this ringed site is equivalent to the category of overconvergent isocrystals on the variety. He also proves that their cohomology coincides.
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Rigid Cohomology over Laurent Series Fields will provide a useful tool for anyone interested in the arithmetic of varieties over local fields of positive characteristic.
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Correlated directly to Calculus: The Language of Change, an engaging new text by David Cohen and James Henle, this outstanding lab manual provides numerous labs, projects, and exercises to teach students how to use MATLAB.
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This book provides a systematic account of several breakthroughs in the modern theory of zeta functions.
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Each of the chapters contributes state of the art research for the relevant resilience related topic covered in the chapter. Technical topics covered in the book include:1. Supply chain risk, vulnerability and disruptions 2.
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The Handbook of Research on Emerging Applications of Fuzzy Algebraic Structures provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical aspects of fuzzy set theory and its real-life applications within the fields of engineering ...
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Also discussed in the book are the relations and functions, the use of proportional logic, the graph theory and the mathematical induction and recursion and the various theorems and logics related to it.
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This book is designed to teach the thought and techniques of basic Matrix alge¬bra as a precise mathematical subject.